
Tuesday, 19 March 2019


Hello everyone

Today in writing we have been writing a poem about kindness. Kindness is an action that you choose to do. We got into groups of three and brain stormed about what we thought what kindness meant

                              What does kindness mean to me

It makes me happy when I give someone happy tears.
Hugs make people feel warm hearted inside.
The world needs kindness to make it a safe place.
It touches people in different ways.
Little surprises can be huge.
Appreciate others to make them feel good.
To help someone value themselves.

I believe everyone need kindness and care around the world.

                                          By Connor

Thursday, 7 March 2019


today we had peter from Canterbury hockey visit us. In hockey we were learning about how to dribble properly and how to keep it on the stick like glue. First we did dribbling we had to imaging the ball was stuck to the stick like glue. After that we learnt how to stop and dodge other players. We had to control the ball at all times. Lastly we played a game like "Rob The Nest. We had to get all the balls we could in our hoop and the team with the most balls win. My team won when our class went out we had 11 balls. I found the side to side trick hard and i found the dribbling easy and I learnt to keep it near the stick properly

                                                               By Connor